
Wednesday, June 5, 2013


One lucky individual stands a chance to be the winner that will celebrate my Birthday Party in  VIP style with me and some of my friends on the 8th of June 2013, PLUS you get to bring a Partner with you. The more the merrier.There will be 2 different winners in addition to this. One for the Party at Hush on Saturday and one for the Party at Kong on Sunday.

We are talking VIP treatment at one of the most lavish and trending Night clubs in Joburg in the company of some of  Mzansi's "A" list celebrities . Do you think you stand a chance?

So here is how you get to be that lucky winner. It's pretty simple. If you are already following me on FB and Twitter then you are lucky and your chances just got higher.

  • Like my Facebook fan page
  • Have the birthday flier as attached above as your profile page on FB or Twitter
  • Tell me what makes you the ultimate Weza FAN/SUPPORTER and why YOU deserve to win this competition. Please post your answer on the blog below this post with the Hashtags #DangerousLiasons #WezaBdayParty)

NB: To win this Birthday Competition ALL the above requirements have to be met. All the best!!!

1 comment:

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