
Friday, April 20, 2012

Favourite Interview

Interviewing Caboo Snoop

It's no news to anyone that I Love Cabo Snoop!!! Not only as an artist but mosty as a person. He is this super humble artist, with a beautiful success story that just touched my heart. So when I was invited to go into the Big Brother House i thought, "I'm gonna make sure Africa falls in Love with this kid"! Indeed Africa did, mission accomplished *pat on the back*.

What I loved most about my TOP MAIS interview with Cabo Snoop is how crazy(and embarrassing) it got.
First it HAD to be on the streets, cause Cabo Snoop represents "the streets", he didn't want a fancy location, said it didn't feel "real"...fair enough! But then Cabo Snoop forgets how BIG he is. So soon enough a crowd of curious fans starts to gather as I'm trying to do the interview.

So I'm wearing this micro skirt (it was the designers idea) and a big crowd has now gathered and it starts to get REALLY windy... Now guess what happens?!!!

Well... one of the MOST embarrassing moments OF MY LIFE happens!!!!!
My skirt flies up, right there in front of Cabo Snoop and his "crew", plus dozens of fans who had their cellphones and cameras ready at hand!!!!!

Oh wow, I can still see it in my mind as I'm writing this, I swear if I wasn't black, I'd be turning bright red at that moment, hahahahahah. My everything was OUT for anyone to see, Thank God i was wearing underwear! So now  picture this: You have Cabo Snoop(who's a sweetheart) trying to cover me, the cameraman who shares my sick sense of humor almost dropped the camera laughing his ass off and a bunch of very curious fans trying to get a peak and takes was chaotic!!
So after a few minutes, the wind came down, I recomposed myself, finished doing the interview(praying  hard that the wind wouldn't pick up again and give me another Marilyn Monroe moment) and even learned a few new moves from Cabo Snoop. All in a days work. Lol
At the end, as I kind of expected, the crowd jumped on Cabo Snoop, especially the street kids which LOVE him!! So we had to get the police to escort him and his people back to the car.
All's WELL that ends WELL :-)

Never before seen footage of "Cabo Snoop and Lizha's James rehearsing for The Channel O Awards"

I stumbled upon this awesome video, which I know you'll Love. I shot it last year, during rehearsals of the Channel O Awards. Don't mind me screaming and poorly trying to sing along on the background, it was just too awesome seeing my boy and my girl Lizha do their thing! Enjoy



  1. Double Wowza!! I could just imagine d whole scenario. Dont worry weza, ur image is still intact n ur fans r still crazy abt u. Dats watsup!

  2. This post actually makes us realise that you are human after all. And this here makes us luv you more Miss Solange. You rock, no matter what. lol, Thank God you were wearing underwear.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. That is hilarious!!! My ribs are sore from laughing so much!

  5. Weza u rock,u are my role model and wish 2meet u someday.ILove u From Thule south Africa

  6. Fabulous job Weza you really have a true enchanting personality! big love and also keep on mentoring many more
